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From/ To your hotel in Mazagón, Huelva, Punta Umbria, El Rompido
You meet up with your guide. Thanks to a special autorización, we will get in the Biosphere Reserve of Odiel Marshes, a restricted area where salt pan concentrate lots of birds, as much in abundance as in number of species.
From the dancing flamingos to the osprey more abundant every year, we will see all type of waders (curlew sandpiper, sandpipers, dunlins, avocet, black-winged stilt, godwits, plovers suchas kentish plover, grey plover…, redshank, greenshank, curlew, whimbrel…), but also the most important wintering population of black-necked greb, shelducks, harriers, purple heron, great white egret, spoonbill, stone curlew, a good population of auduin’s gull, slender-bill gull, terns such as sandwich tern, caspian tern, little tern… and from springtime, a nice population of collared pratincole amongst more species.
We might end up having a glimpse to El Portil lagoon where we look or a chameleon in the broom bush, and more birds…
Species to look for:
Osprey, Spoonbill, Auduin’s gull, Slender-billed gull, Black-necked greb. Flamingos, Stone curlew, Caspian tern, Pratincole, all type of waders…
Duration: About 4 hours
Having walked with Laury in 2014 I can say his extensive knowledge of flora and fauna is in fact second to none. Laury is a very good ornithologist, good plus understanding walk leader and a convivial companion. Quite simply one of the best. I strongly recommend that you give him a try and I’m sure he’ll not disappoint