Do not hesitate to contact us.
We are happy to talk to you.
From/ to your hotel if you are in Huelva, Mazagon, Matalascañas, El Rocio, Villamanrique de la Condesa.
You meet up with your guide. He will select an itinerary between El Rocío, and the northern part of Doñana, which will include the freshwater lake of Dehesa de Abajo, the rice fields of the surroundings and a pist toward the Visitor Center of Jose Antonio de Valverde.
He will look for birds and get special care on sites where we know we can observe species that are not easy to find, including rare species. You will receive interpretation of Doñana Natural Area: its characteristic and ecosystems, its natural resources, but also its cultural resources.
You will return to your hotel in El Rocio around 17h.
Some of the species to look for:
Imperial eagle, griffon vulture, short-toed eagle, booted eagle, lesser kestrel, black-shouldered kite, crested coot, marbled teal, squacco heron, night heron, great white egret, purple heron, purple gallinule, glossy ibis, red-crested pochard, montagu’s harrier, pratincole, red-rumped swallow, spanish sparrow, calandra lark, bee eater…
Depart time: 8h30
End: Around 17h00
Our five days hiking in Grazalema Natural Park, we keep amazing souvenirs. Also Laury make us enjoying a lot birdwatching […] and gave us passion for the Andalusia unknown. His knowledge and character both relaxed and rigorous make off Laury an ideal guide. We came back with teenagers in summer […]. Perfect! Lot of sun but sweet enough (Atlantic breeze). Laury is as good to lead a group of teenagers with good vib’ as to get adults fascinated using his knowledge and sensitivity…